What to Look for When Searching for an Alcohol and Drug Rehab

The Source Addiction Treatment Center What to Look for When Searching for an Alcohol and Drug Rehab Miami

How to Find the Best Addiction Treatment Center for Your Needs

If you’re considering taking the first step in overcoming a substance abuse problem, either for yourself or someone you care about, we applaud you. You’ve accomplished what is perhaps the hardest part, recognizing there’s a problem. Now it’s time for the next step in recovery: finding the best drug or alcohol rehab center for your needs.

When comparing addiction treatment centers, you will find you have a lot of options to choose from.  As you research alcohol and drug rehabs, you want to find a place where you’ll feel safe and comfortable, a place that will give you the best possible chance of achieving long-term sobriety.  

Unfortunately, not all addiction treatment centers keep their clients’ best interests as their top priority.  You will find that the quality varies widely from one rehab to the next.  That’s why it’s important to thoroughly research your options and ask a lot of questions in the process. Knowing what to look for will give you the best possible start in your recovery journey and help you achieve a happier, healthier, sober life.

Key Features of the Best Addiction Treatment Centers

There are multiple key components that make high-quality addiction treatment centers like The Source in Fort Lauderdale stand out from the pack. These include things like: 

  • Caring, compassionate staff
  • Individualized treatment plans that take a holistic approach
  • Leading-edge and traditional therapies, with a focus on long-term treatment
  • Resolving trauma
  • Address co-occurring and underlying conditions with the goal of achieving long-term sobriety

Let’s take a more in-depth look at why these features matter.

The Best Addiction Treatment Centers Show Genuine Care and Compassion

At The Source, profit is not our top priority; your recovery is. We place everyone who contacts us for help; if we’re not your best option, we’ll connect you with another high-quality treatment center that may be a better fit. When you call, you’ll always speak directly with a Source employee, not a call center operator. Many of our employees are former clients themselves, so they understand what you’re going through. They’ll talk to you about your needs and find ways to help.  

Great Alcohol and Drug Rehabs Provide Individualized Treatment

When it comes to drug and alcohol rehab, one size does not fit all. Your experience is unique, and your treatment can only be successful if it’s customized to your individual needs. When you call about treatment, the rehab center should seek to understand your circumstances and explain how your specific needs fit into their core offerings– not how you’ll be expected to fit into their plans.

The Best Rehabs Use a Holistic Approach

Addiction is not just a physical condition but often stems from complex emotional and spiritual difficulties. That’s why effective treatment addresses all aspects of a person’s body, mind, and spirit. At The Source, we create treatment plans that approach addiction from many perspectives and focus on healing the root causes of substance use disorders.

Great Treatment Centers Offer Dual-Diagnosis Treatment

Many addicts struggle with what are known as co-occurring conditions, involving both substance abuse and an underlying mental or emotional disorder. Maybe you experienced childhood abuse or some other form of trauma that is the fuel for your addiction. In these cases, effective treatment must involve a dual diagnosis program that addresses both disorders together. A great treatment center understands this and provides alcohol and drug rehab for dual diagnosis.

Look for an Addiction Treatment Center that Offers Diverse Therapies

The Source offers several leading-edge therapies that address the underlying causes of addiction. These form part of a comprehensive overall treatment plan and include:

  • Brain Mapping – Also known as neurofeedback, brain mapping helps diagnose and heal the changes that the brain can undergo with repeated substance use. Think of it as a kind of rerouting of your brain’s GPS.
  • Trauma Therapy – Addiction is often the result of trauma, such as physical or emotional abuse in childhood or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in adulthood. The Source specializes in several forms of trauma therapy, including:
    • Traumatic Incident Reduction (TIR) – Works to desensitize the client to traumatic memories.
    • Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) – A therapist guides eye movement to distract the client and reduce the stress of recalling painful memories.
    • Rapid Resolution Therapy (RRT) – Helps the client experience different feelings when remembering painful incidents.

The Best Addiction Treatment Centers Believe in Long Term Treatment

Completing a 30-day addiction treatment program is just the beginning of a great program. The best alcohol and drug rehabs know their work has just begun. As you reintegrate into the world outside, The Source will provide ongoing care to carry you through this critical time, from providing outpatient treatment to connecting you with The Source alumni who have been where you are and can help you stay the course and continue to achieve your goals.

Addiction Treatment at The Source

Conquering addiction requires traditional and leading-edge therapies delivered with great compassion. When you come to The Source, you will be welcomed as part of our family. You’ll explore the underlying conditions behind your addictive behaviors in a setting that treats your whole self and makes your success our success. Contact us today at (800) 204-0418 to begin your journey to recovery.