Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey is Working with Fort Lauderdale, Florida Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment Centers
Alcohol rehabilitation centers in Fort Lauderdale has made it possible for Horizon Blue Cross Blue shield of New Jersey clients to gain access to substance abuse. The opiate crisis that has spread across the country is forcing health insurance companies to evaluate their coverage levels and, in many cases, provide a broader range of addiction treatment services. This recently fueled the announcement that Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey Partners with Fort Lauderdale Addiction Treatment Centers. In this article, we will discuss the following:
- Some history of alcohol and drug rehabilitation treatment programs
- Are Federal and State Governments doing enough to fight and prevent substance abuse and addiction?
- How COVID-19 has impacted opioid use and addiction
Fort Lauderdale Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment Centers Providing Access for Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey Clients with New Therapies and Treatments
Fort Lauderdale addiction treatment centers and Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield are working to save lives. Although many of the “old-timers” talk about how tough getting and staying sober was 40 or 50 years ago, newer therapies being used today focus more on the underlying causes of addiction and resolving past traumas that may be a root cause for the addiction. However, treatment for substance abuse began hundreds of years ago.
It may be hard to believe, but treatment for alcoholism in the United States can be traced back to the mid-1700s. During the period from 1750 – 1800, Native Americans created abstinence-based revival movements and used native healing practices to treat alcoholism.
During the late 18th and early 19th centuries, alcoholism became a significant public health concern. In 1784, Benjamin Rush, a physician committed to educating the public about the hazards of alcohol, was among the first to suggest that alcoholism is a disease that should be treated. His published manuscripts helped launch the temperance movement and eventually, prohibition.
The decade of the 1800s was a lawless time for many parts of the newly born United States. Public drunkenness became a widespread problem. As new mining towns would spring up overnight, the most popular recreational activities in these towns were drinking, gambling, and patronizing the local brothels.
Needless to say, the country was still years away from announcements like Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey Partners with Fort Lauderdale Addiction Treatment Centers. But as we moved into the 20th century and prohibition proved to be an experiment that did not work, alcoholism continued to plague widespread areas of the country.
AA Membership Grows to over 100,000 Members in the Early 1950’s
In 1935, (AA), Bill Wilson, Ebby Thatcher, Rowland Hazard, and Dr. Bob Smith, became the four founding members of Alcoholics Anonymous. As the now-infamous story goes, Bill Wilson and Dr. Bob were hopeless alcoholics in the 1930s. Although they desperately tried to quit drinking, and despite their Christian faith and membership in the Oxford Group, they were unable to achieve sustained abstinence. The Oxford Group was a Christian organization whose principles heavily influenced the creation of AA’s 12 steps.
A series of meetings between Bill W. and Dr. Bob in 1935 represented AA’s formation, and not too long after, the big blue book of Alcoholics Anonymous was published.
In the early 1950s, AA membership surpassed 100,000 members. As AA membership continued to grow exponentially, they won the Lasxfker Award in 1951 (the Lasxfker award is considered to be the American equivalent of the Nobel Prize). AA’s success is attributed to several factors, including a broader understanding and acceptance of those suffering from it.
Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey and Fort Lauderdale Addiction Treatment Centers Welcome the Affordable Care Act (ACA) Mandates
As 2010 and a new decade approached, The Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act (MHPAEA) of 2008 passed and signed into law. This required insurance companies and group health plans to provide similar benefits for mental health and substance use treatment on par with other types of medical care. This drastically helped form a new partnership with drug and alcohol addiction treatment centers in Fort Lauderdale, Florida providing Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey policy holding substance abuse treatment options in Florida.
Two years later, in 2010, Congress passed The Affordable Care Act (ACA), which expanded coverage for addiction and substance abuse treatment. The ACA also expanded the boundaries of MHPAEA by ensuring that insurance plans offered through the health insurance marketplace included therapy for substance abuse and behavioral/mental health.
This has brought on the help of Blue Cross of Maryland for drug and alcohol addiction treatment. addiction treatment options on policies like these make it possible for individuals to get the best in substance abuse treatment. Many individuals need to leave their state in order to not have access to thier old friends and stomping grounds. Insurances like;
- Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey addiction treatment options
- drug rehabs Fort Lauderdale that take Blue Cross of Maryland
Are Federal and State Governments Doing Enough to Combat Addiction in America?
Government is not doing enough to help individuals suffering from drug and alcohol addiction and abuse.
When polled, many Americans have indicated that Federal and State Governments are not doing enough to combat substance abuse in America. Nearly 40% of people surveyed say they know someone who has been affected by drug addiction or alcoholism. Additionally, one out of five Americans indicated that a family member did not get the mental health care that they needed. There are options available for drug and alcohol rehabilitation. There are many people every year that never get the drug and alcohol addiction treatment they need. This is why The Source addiction treatment center in Fort Lauderdale, Florida is partnering with insurances like Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey and others.
As our elected representatives in the White House and Congress continue their debates on additional funding for an out of control addiction epidemic. Health Tracking Polls resulted in the belief that most Americans feel the federal government is doing far too little to fight this epidemic and recent increases in those unfortunates who are addicted to prescription painkillers, or worse; heroin.
In 2015, the National Institute on Drug Abuse published a study entitled “Are Federal and State Governments Doing Enough to Combat Addiction in America?” In it, they stated the following:
The misuse of and addiction to opioids such as heroin, morphine, and other prescription pain medicines is a serious national problem that affects public health as well as social and economic welfare. An estimated 1.9 million people in the United States suffered from substance use disorders related to prescription opioid pain medicines in 2013, and 517,000 suffered from a heroin use disorder. This issue has become a public health epidemic with devastating consequences, including not just opioid use disorders and related overdoses, but also the rising incidence of newborns who experience neonatal abstinence syndrome because their mothers used them during pregnancy; and increased spread of infectious diseases including HIV and hepatitis C.
In discussing treatment methodology, the study said, “Medications have become an essential component of an ongoing treatment plan, enabling opioid-addicted persons to regain control of their health and their lives…
“The evidence strongly demonstrates that methadone, buprenorphine, and injectable naltrexone, when administered in the context of an addiction treatment program, effectively help maintain abstinence from other opioids and reduce opioid use disorder-related symptoms, and reduce the risk of infectious disease and crime.”
How COVID-19 has Impacted Opioid Use and Addiction
As we now all know, in early 2020, COVID-19 unexpectedly appeared seemingly out of nowhere. The virus, turned pandemic, raged through New York and New Jersey. To reduce the spread of the virus, requirements were issued for the general population to quarantine and socially isolate. This has had a major impact on addiction and recovery and has made it even more critical for Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey to Partner with Fort Lauderdale Addiction Treatment Centers.
As COVID-19 continues its spread around the country, medical professionals and politicians alike agree that group gatherings must be avoided and that self-quarantine and isolation are perhaps the only sure-fire virus prevention’s, and will remain so at least until a vaccine is available for public consumption. At best, this has created a problematic situation for addicts or alcoholics working a program that includes AA or NA meetings. Twelve-step meetings pretty much encourage the exact opposite. Facts that have been proven repeatedly indicate that victims of addiction are at a far greater risk of relapse when they isolate themselves.
Perfect Timing for Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey to Partner with Fort Lauderdale Addiction Treatment Centers
Drug and alcohol addiction treatment rehabilitation centers in the Fort Lauderdale, and Florida drug rehabs are teaming up with Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey to fight opiate epidemic.
Horizon Blue Cross and Blue Shield of New Jersey policy holders can now call drug and alcohol addiction treatment centers in like The Source. The opioid crisis continues to be challenged by the increasing and deadly outbreak of COVID-19,. Victims of addiction do have valuable options with substance abuse rehabilitation. Perhaps being in the protective and controlled environment of a licensed addiction treatment center is the safest place for a recovering addict or alcoholic.
There are many different options available in south Florida for drug and alcohol addiction treatment. One of the key areas is with intensive outpatient substance abuse rehabilitation. Some of the most popular areas include;
- IOP drug rehabs in Pompano Beach
- IOP programs in Deerfield Beach, Florida
- successful IOP drug rehab programs in Fort Lauderdale, Florida
If you feel that you are at a crossroads, it’s probably that voice (your conscience) in the back of your head whispering that you need to get some help. Under the current circumstances, perhaps rehab is a wise choice. If you, a family member or a friend need help during these troubled times… read the following paragraph and TAKE ACTION!
The Source Addiction Treatment Center is located in Fort Lauderdale, just about a mile from the world-famous south Florida Beaches. They are well known for providing luxury residential facilities and an acclaimed recovery curriculum aimed at solving unresolved trauma and other underlying root causes of addiction. You can contact them 24 hours a day by calling (800) 204-0418.